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12 Week Online Program



Establish a realignment practice to meet you where you are on a biweekly basis. This personalized 3 month online program is offered to long distance practitioners who want to deepen their understanding of optimal alignment. Accelerate the process of deconstructing limiting movement patterns as new, more efficient postural habits are formed. Deepen your body awareness as you integrate functional movement into daily life. You’ll experience such benefits as:

 • joint mobility

 • pelvic stability

 • increase agility

 • engagement of underutilized aspects of the body

 • balanced body engagement

 • deepened body awareness and cognizant movement

 • tension relief in the hands, feet, hips, low back, neck, and shoulders

 • chronic pain relief

 • functional application of practiced techniques

 • flexible scheduling to accommodate a busy lifestyle

 • mindful biweekly accountability check-ins

 • focused in-person support 

 • constructive tactile feedback, accelerating your progress

 • emotional response pattern recognition

 • deepened inner connectivity

 • increased confidence


Embody the possibilities of reshaping your body and life with practical ways to feel better from the inside out. Are you ready to be the change you wish to see?

Investment: $650/ $110 bi-weekly payments


I'm ready to establish my practice by fully investing in realigning my body!



I'm ready to establish my practice with bi-weekly investments to realign my body!





Engage your body goal achievements with interactive weekly in-person sessions. This 3 month online program applies to long distance practitioners who are serious about making positive changes in their bodies, that last. Advance your alignment experience and redefine your postural patterning by optimizing efficient movement within your unique physical expression. Deconstruct restrictive default positioning as you integrate functional movement into daily life. Your personalized sessions will consistently introduce and reinforce new perspectives toward thinking and moving differently, allowing you to experience such benefits as:

 • increased strength, agility, flexibility, and stability

 • engagement of underutilized aspects of the body

 • balanced body engagement

 • deepened body awareness and cognizant movement 

 • tension relief in the hands, feet, hips, low back, neck and shoulders

 • chronic pain relief

 • functional application of practiced techniques

 • mindful weekly accountability check-ins

 • focused in-person support

 • constructive tactile feedback, accelerating your progress

 • emotional response pattern recognition

 • deepened inner connectivity

 • increased confidence

 • access to weekly in-person group classes

 • balanced muscle tone and definition 

 • tapering waistline

 • gluteal lift

 • somatic cognizance 

 • stabilizing temperament


Reshape your mind and body with personal guidance to reflect your best self. Explore the reality of living within a body that satisfies your heart and soul.

Investment: $680/ $114 bi-weekly payments

12 Week Online Program


I'm ready to realign my body by fully investing in my engagement!



I'm ready to realign my body by engaging

bi-weekly investments!





Expand your vitality weekly with online sessions that will awaken optimal potential within your unique body, heart, mind, and beyond. This multifaceted 6 month online course is truly one of a kind and is only offered to long distance practitioners. Observe radical physical and emotional transformation as you create powerful waves of positive change within your body. 

Improve your attitude toward inner recognition and shift your perspective of what it means to feel aligned. Practice new ways to think and move throughout your daily life with movement that reflects confident embodiment. Reward yourself with other benefits like:

 • increase in strength, agility, flexibility, and stability

 • engagement of underutilized aspects of the body

 • balanced body engagement

 • deepened body awareness and cognizant movement 

 • tension relief in the hands, feet, hips, low back, neck, and shoulders

 • chronic pain relief

 • functional application of practiced techniques

 • mindful weekly accountability check-ins

 • focused in-person support

 • constructive tactile feedback, accelerating your progress

 • emotional response pattern recognition

 • deepened inner connectivity

 • increased confidence

 • access to weekly in-group classes

 • balanced muscle tone and definition 

 • tapering waistline

 • gluteal lift

 • somatic equilibrium 

 • stabilizing temperament

 • cellulite reduction 

 • increase in self-appreciation and self-worth

 • recognition of functional movement integration

 • embodiment of realigned posture

 • positive thought patterning 

 • tendencies toward positive disposition

 • recognizable shifts in external circumstances

 • deep sense of accomplishment and gratitude 

 • increased physical stamina and endurance 


Present your most authentic self in a body that moves through each day conscientiously. Empower your posture to tell the story of who you are and where you want to go.

Investment: $1280 / $107 bi-weekly payments

24 Weeks / 6 Month Online Program


I'm ready to expand my practice by fully investing in realigned body!



I'm ready to expand my practice by investing bi-weekly in my realigned body!


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